Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Starting out.

Zanthzorn here.

I can't believe I'm actually starting a blog. I delayed this for almost a week thanks to crappy internet and other real life circumstances, but it's here.

Anyways, this blog/journal is meant as an outlet to let out my stupid rants and thoughts. It's gonna be about pathetic personal stuffs or stupid analysis on stupid topics that I'm too shy to discuss or admit in real life.
Why a blog if I'm too shy to talk about it, you ask? Why not just keep them in my mind? Writing my thoughts allow me to elaborate my thoughts in detail and I can pull them out again for future references, and that's important for me thanks to my personality. I'll elaborate them sometimes later.

Then, why don't I just keep my thoughts offline? Putting my rants in the internet technically means that I'm sharing my thoughts to someone, which gives me a similar but fake sense of satisfaction and liberation from sharing and discussing your problems with a good friend or a psychiatrist. It's like I want to shout to liberate my mind, but I want my shouts to be unheard by anyone. And this is THE MAIN REASON. Deep down inside my shy interior (and exterior), I want to talk about this to someone. I wanted to share and discuss these with someone who was on the same wavelength or someone who genuinely care. I actually know someone who has similar mindset, but I'm still feeling too embarrassed to talk about this in real life with that person. Hence, the birth of this blog.
With that being said, this blog will be full of what my weird brain's occupied with. It might be about my journey in my new work life. It might be about my friends. It might be about anime and manga. It might be about my overanalysis on some games, game theory style. Do not expect an excellent writing style, because I'm not good at composing literature in any kind.

So, even though I'm not gonna share this to anyone I know IRL, I'm acting like I am. Who knows I can meet people online who can understand this feeling.

That's enough for my first post. I still have other sharing to be made on different posts, so bye for now.